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For Your Protection

Scam Alert

Families are being targeted.

Please know there is a SCAM being perpetrated on grieving families.  The SCAM involves someone calling and acting like they are from a funeral home where the family is being served.  The SCAMMERS can have CallerID show they are calling from the funeral home.  This practice is called spoofing.  They then make up an additional charge and say the family needs to pay this additional charge, and they ask for a credit card number.  In general, please never give out a credit card number to someone calling you.  If you think the charge is legitimate, hang up, and call the agency or business directly.  Never use the phone number that is given to you from the person that called you.  Look up the agency or businesses phone number yourself and call them back directly.  You can then ask about any charges.

Please know that Tom M Wages will never call you for billing information over the phone.  We will never ask for credit card information over the phone.  If someone calls you asking for this information it is a SCAM, and they are not a part of Tom M Wages.  Please let us know if you receive any calls pretending to be from Tom M Wages and asking for payment. 


The Staff of Tom M Wages